OK so its starting to look allot like Christmas! Well not exactly but if your a Habs fan it might seem like that. Especially after beating those tight ass conservative Leafs. Anything is worth seeing that and especially now that they have Burke, ''that lucky charms'' Irish man. 3 wins in a row and heading for what looks like a birth in the playoffs. As those following on one of my two blogs knows i am certainly not impressed by this team. In fact I have not been for along time. Every year we go through the same nonsense. The team starts out strong. Everyone jumps on the band wagon. The talking head french media gets way past itself. The team slides backwards cause the talent we claim to have ultimately shows its true lack thereof. Then we get to hear those same French media talking heads spend the rest of the season trying to pick apart the team and blame any Englishmen in sight.

This season was somewhat different as no one seemed ready for the firing of Coach Carbonneau. Well now just 4 games left in the regular season and what 3 months ago seemed like a shoe in for a top 4 playoff spot has dwindled down to a fight for their playoff lives. Much has been made of the demise of this team, no more really needs to be said. My belief is a playoff spot is a sure thing as much as the subsequent first round exit at the hands of the Washington Capitals. With that will bring 6 months of bitching and moaning (not the good kind) Everyone will pipe in with their opinions and as you know opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. It will go on and on and on. Some of it will make sense most of it will be nonsense.

So instead of boring you with a bunch of nonsense about the next two weeks here are my suggestions to ''BOY'' George Gillette and Pierre ''invisible man'' Boivin and Bob ''french i am not'' Gainey.
- Sell the team to Hamilton Ontario and then we can really start a Habs Leafs rivalry
- Call the Country Club and ask them to shine your clubs and shoes cause you'll be golfing after April 15th.
- Get rid of Koivu, Kovy, Money (Price), the Russian Mafia, and those other guys who's names i couldn't even pronounce let alone spell. (they know who they are).
- Sell the charter plane and by 5 Winnebago's and transport the team around in those, that should fix any notion of ''spoiled athlete''.
- Stop staying at the Hilton or Marriott and start staying at the Super 8 those hotels are generally near some run down strip joints so none of the players will have to worry about being recognized during that private booth lap dance. Also the Russian mafia doesn't hang out at those places there to low class.
- Cancel the TV deal with RDS or at least demand that they change their announce and analyst team.
- Buy all the TV time immediately after the game on all French networks and get rid off all those talking heads and replace them with 1 hour of the best Chris Nilan fights and the Nordiques and Habs battles of the 80's
- Find a President who actually likes hockey and understands it.
- Figure out that you actually have to spend money to build a team. In the off season and at the trade deadline.
- Trade Youppi for a third round draft choice
- Bring back those hottie commercial break ice shovelers.
These are just some suggestions. I'm open to others.
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