Last night was a prime example of how even when this team is provided with the slightest opportunity to send a message they pack their bags and go home. With less then 5 minutes remaining we have a 5 on 4 and we mustered how many shots? 2 yeah 2. There was no way this game was going to go anywhere regardless with just 5 left. However the Habs had a golden opportunity to dominate the last 5 minutes and at the very least score 1 if not 2 goals . What would this have accomplished? Well not much but something and when your being dominated something is better then nothing. There is also the aggression factor, while I'm all for the nonsense of sending Kovi and Koivu out with BJL there comes a time where hands are more valuable when hitting skin then they are on a stick. After pissy pants Milan Lucic decided to try and decapitate Lappy it was certainly a time if ever there was one for BJL to bite someones ear off. What did the genius of Gainey do? NOTHING. If were going to lose this series can we atleast do it it some kind of style, i know we don't have much class but a little style people is that to much to ask.
1. I though Komisarek poked Matt Hunwick’s eye out. Not his spleen.! If Komisarek ever gets traded I'm staying away from him he's like a voodo doctor.
2. Who is our enforcer again?
3. Do we actually have any Russians playing for us other then Kovi?
4. Where are you golfing this year?
5. Does anyone have that number for that truck driving school?
Game 3 Monday and more of the same!
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